£80 - Food Packs / One Family
£160 - Food Packs / Two Families
£100 - Sponsoring 1 Widow
£200 - Sponsoring 2 Widows
£160 - Akhuwat Educational Project
£350 - Livelihood for 1 Disabled Person
£700 - Livelihood Support for 2 Disabled People
£1900 - Akhuwat Educational Project


Feed People Fasting in Food Poverty with Your Zakat and Sadaqah this Ramadan

Give heart through food for the fasting with your Zakat and Sadaqah

The Prophet (PBUH) said, ‘Whoever gives food for a fasting person to break his fast, he will have a reward like theirs, without that detracting from their reward in the slightest.’ (Ibn Majah)

This Ramadan, Akhuwat’s Iftar Fund is providing essential food packs for families facing hunger. For just £80, your Zakat and Sadaqah can provide a food ration pack of essentials to sustain a family of four for the month.

Many families will struggle to put food on the table for Suhoor and Iftar this Ramadan. The battered economy, barely recovered from the pandemic, took another beating with the floods of 2022. And over the last year, thousands have struggled with food poverty due to inflation. The impact has been felt most by the poorest.

Practise Mawakhat in the month of Ramadan

Mawakhat was instituted by our beloved Prophet (PBUH). He declared Muslims brothers to one another, first in Mecca and again in Medina. After the Hijra, he encouraged the people of Medina (the Ansar or helpers) to assist the Meccan migrants (the Muhajir). The Meccans had been forced to flee their homes, leaving everything behind. The help from the Ansar helped them to integrate into society and re-establish themselves with ease.
The Prophet (PBUH) said, ‘None of you are true believers until you love for your fellow human beings what you love for yourselves.’ (Bukhari)
Ramadan is a month of great significance for the Ummah and a special time to increase our brotherhood and compassion for each other. Giving food during these days of mercy, not only attracts great rewards but helps us renew our bonds with the Ummah.

What Happens Next

Akhuwat Ramadan Appeal 2025

  • Ramadan Ration

    / 2 weeks

  • Ramadan Ration

    / One month

  • Akhuwat Food Programme

Akhuwat UK Trust Bank Details

Account Title: Akhuwat UK Trust
Account Number: 62226227
Bank Sort Code: 40-35-20
Name of Bank: HSBC
IBAN: GB10HBUK40352062226227
Akhuwat UK Donations Hotline: 0300 365 9292
Akhuwat UK Donations Email: