£80 - Food Packs / One Family
£160 - Food Packs / Two Families
£100 - Sponsoring 1 Widow
£200 - Sponsoring 2 Widows
£160 - Akhuwat Educational Project
£350 - Livelihood for 1 Disabled Person
£700 - Livelihood Support for 2 Disabled People
£1900 - Akhuwat Educational Project


Micro-lending without Interest

Benefiting Families

5 Million


Over £671 Million

Islamic Micro-lending is our core programme. We give your donations as Qarz-e-Hasna, without interest, to people in need. This enables them to help themselves out of poverty and enables us to maximise your donations by recycling the capital.

Tackaling poverty


At Akhuwat, we lend your Zakat and Sadaqah as Qarz-e-Hasna to family-owned businesses and other small-scale enterprises. To date, we’ve seen thousands of self-employed people improve their businesses, increase their output or start new businesses. Borrowers have used the Qarz-e-Hasna to acquire stock or equipment or to upgrade their workshops or work premises. Since our launch in 2001, most of our Family Enterprise borrowers have done so well that they were able to return what they took out within the stipulated time or even sooner.

Give an entrepreneur a hand-up. By donating Qarz-e-Hasna to Family Enterprises, you’ll be helping people make the most of their skills and resources to lift themselves out of poverty.


Liberation Lending helps people repay unscrupulous lenders and usurers who exploit them through exorbitantly high interest. In Pakistan, the culture of informal lenders, known as Baniyas, is prevalent. Poor families who are forced to borrow from such people, find themselves in a cycle of ongoing servitude, as they struggle to repay interest that’s often as high as 100%! Years later, the principal amount remains untouched, and the funds borrowed to help them becomes a yoke they cannot shift.

Through Liberation Lending, we settle the outstanding balance (interest and all) with the moneylender, freeing the debtor from them. The debtor is then able to repay Akhuwat’s Qarz-e-Hasna, without building interest, in manageable, monthly instalments.

Free a person from usurers. By donating Qarz-e-Hasna to our Liberation Project, you’ll be freeing someone and helping them regain control of their lives.
End Poverty with zakat

Liberation Loan

Liberation Loans assist people to repay loans that carry exorbitantly high interest rates, often taken from unscrupulous moneylenders. In Pakistan, the culture of informal moneylenders, known as Baniyas, is prevalent. Many poor people who are forced to borrow money from such lenders, find themselves in a cycle of ongoing debt, as they struggle to pay back interest that’s often as high as 1000%! Years later, the principle amount remains untouched, and the loan which was meant to help them becomes a yoke they cannot shift.

Through Liberation Loans, we settle the outstanding balance (interest and all) with the moneylender, freeing the debtor from the debt. The debtor is then able to repay Akhuwat, without building interest, in affordable, monthly instalments.

Free a person from crippling debt. By donating towards a Liberation Loan, you’ll be freeing someone from the burden of an endless debt, and helping them regain control of their lives.

End Poverty with zakat
Help Akhuwat to end poverty


At Akhuwat, we give Qarz-e-Hasna to subsistence or small-scale farmers, as well as to tenant farmers who work their landlords’ plots. The Qarz-e-Hasna allow them to purchase equipment, seeds and fertiliser or to cover other farming expenses. With the funds they’re able to invest in their fields, farmers are able to increase their yield. They repay what they borrowed to Akhuwat in manageable, monthly instalments.

Help support small farmers. By donating Qarz-e-Hasna to small farmers, you’ll be helping them thrive in a climate where farming and food production are becoming increasingly challenging. 
Help Akhuwat to end poverty

Agriculture Loan

At Akhuwat, we give Agriculture Loans to subsistence or small-scale farmers, as well as to tenant farmers who work their landlords’ plots. The loans allow farmers to purchase equipment, seeds and fertiliser or to cover other farming expenses. With the funds they’re able to invest in their fields, farmers are able to increase their yield. They pay back their loans to Akhuwat in easy monthly instalments.

Help support small farmers. By donating towards an Agriculture Loan, you’ll be helping small farmers thrive in a climate where farming and food production is becoming increasingly challenging.


Many people in Pakistan lost their homes to the 2022 floods and are still trying to rebuild their lives. They live in ramshackle shelters and extremely poor, overcrowded conditions. Often, they are exposed to the elements and haven’t got access to proper sanitation. These people have no way of saving to rebuild or renovate, since their earnings are just enough to survive on. To help improve their living conditions, Akhuwat gives them Qarz-e-Hasna so they can rebuild or repair.

When evaluating applications for this project, our staff take care to ensure the proposed construction/renovation is justified and necessary. Borrowers usually repay the funds within two years

Help provide shelter. By donating Qarz-e-Hasna towards housing, you can help flood survivors rebuild their lives or turn a needy family’s home into a place of shelter and safety.

Housing Loan

Many poor people in Pakistan live in ramshackle homes and extremely poor, overcrowded conditions. Often, they are exposed to the elements in their own houses, or haven’t got access to proper sanitation. These people have no way of saving money to renovate their homes, since their earnings are just enough to survive on. To help improve their living conditions, Akhuwat gives Housing Loans. This allows them to repair roofs and walls, build new rooms and/or improve sanitation facilities.

When evaluating applications for Housing Loans, our staff take care to ensure the proposed renovation is justified and necessary for the borrower’s wellbeing. The money lent ranges between £300 to £700, and borrowers usually repay the sum within two years.

Help provide shelter. By donating towards a Housing Loan, you can help make a needy family’s home a place of shelter, safety and wellbeing.


Marriage expenses remain a huge responsibility for parents in Pakistani society. Poor families often struggle to obtain the necessary funds for weddings and dowries. Over the years, many people from the underprivileged communities we work with, expressed their need for assistance to get their daughters married. When we realised this was a common issue, Akhuwat started offering Qarz-e-Hasna for people wanting to get married.

Help poor couples marry. By donating Qarz-e-Hasna, you can help a needy father and mother get their daughter married with honour and dignity.

Marriage Loan

Marriage expenses remain a huge responsibility for parents in Pakistani society. Poor families often struggle to obtain the necessary funds for weddings and dowries. Over the years, many people from the underprivileged communities we work with, expressed their need for financial assistance to marry off their daughters. When we realised this was a common issue, Akhuwat introduced the Marriage Loan. We offer marriage loans to a maximum of £200.

Help poor couples marry. By donating towards a Marriage Loan, you can help a needy father and mother, marry off their daughter with honour and dignity.


At Akhuwat, we place great emphasis on education as a proven way for people to better their circumstances. This is why we provide Qarz-e-Hasna to students. The young people we support have excellent academic performances but lack the economic means to continue with their education. They use the Qarz-e-Hasna your Zakat and Sadaqah provide to pay for school fees, registration and/or examination fees; as well as purchasing books, uniforms and other classroom material.

Help a needy student get back to school. By donating Qarz-e-Hasna, you’ll be giving a student the learning and skills that will make them more employable.

Education Loan

At Akhuwat, we’ve always placed great emphasis on education as a proven way for poor people to better their circumstances. When people are given the education, training and skills to earn a livelihood, they’re able to lift themselves out of poverty.

We provide Education Loans to deserving students who have excellent academic performance, but without the financial means to continue with their education. Borrowers use our loans for the various costs involved in their studies. These include paying for school fees, registration and/or examination fees; as well as purchasing books, uniforms and other classroom material. The upper limit of the Education Loan is £250.


Help a needy student get back to school. By donating towards an Education Loan, you’ll be giving a student the learning and skills that will make them more employable, and ensure their financial independence.


Diseases like hepatitis, tuberculosis, and diabetes are common in underprivileged communities. Most of these are treatable or manageable through the right care, but if left untreated they can be fatal.

Akhuwat gives Qarz-e-Hasna to needy people who are ill but cannot afford medical care. To date, we’ve helped more than half a million people in Pakistan get free or subsidised treatment. It has helped to improve the wellbeing of needy people and in many cases, even saved lives.

Help save lives through vital medical aid. By donating Qarz-e-Hasna towards healthcare, you’ll be helping poor and vulnerable people who cannot afford hospital fees and medicine. 

Health Loan

Diseases like hepatitis, tuberculosis, and diabetes are common in underprivileged communities. Most of these are treatable or manageable through the right care, but if left untreated they can be fatal.

Akhuwat gives Health Loans to needy people who are ill but cannot afford the medical care. To date, our Health Loans have provided more than half a million people in Pakistan with free or subsidised treatment. It has helped to improve the wellbeing of needy people and in many cases, even saved lives.

Help save lives through vital medical aid. By donating towards a Health Loan, you’ll be providing vital medical aid for poor and vulnerable people who cannot afford hospital fees and medicine.


Emergencies and unforeseen events impact us all at some point. For poor families, with little or no savings to absorb the shock, this is a moment of crisis. At Akhuwat, we give Qarz-e-Hasna at these times, when needy people face crises that threaten their lives or livelihoods.

This project utilises your Zakat and Sadaqah to cover losses in business, healthcare expenses, machinery or motor vehicle repairs, veterinary expenses for farm animals, etc.

Help in times of crisis. By donating Qarz-e-Hasna towards an emergency, you’ll be giving someone a helping hand out of difficulty, when they need it most.

Emergency Loan

Emergencies and unforeseen events impact us all at some point. For poor families, with little or no savings to absorb the shock, this is a moment of crisis. At Akhuwat, we give Emergency Loans at these times, when needy people face crises that threaten their lives or livelihoods.

Emergency loans are often used to cover losses in business, healthcare expenses, machinery or motor vehicle repairs, veterinary expenses for farm animals etc.


Help in times of crisis. By donating towards an Emergency Loan, you’ll be giving someone a helping hand out of difficulty, when they need it most.


Sr Products % Description Product Features
1 Family Enterprise Loan 85 – 90 Family enterprise loans are offered by AIM for the establishment of a new business or the expansion of an existing one. AIM would like to continue to place emphasis on provision of such loans. Range: From Rs. 10,000 to Rs.50,000 Duration: 10 – 36 months Profit Rate: 0% Interest Rate: None Initial Application fee: Up to Rs. 200 Post Approval Application fee: None Mutual Support Fund Contribution: Optional 1% of loan amount
2 Agriculture Loan 5-10 These loans are given to small farmers including landless farmers/tenants according to an eligibility criterion for purchasing agriculture inputs and meeting ancillary expenses. Range: From Rs. 10,000 to Rs 50,000 Duration: 4-8 months Profit Rate: 0% Interest Rate: None Initial Application fee: None Post Approval Application fee: None Mutual Support Fund Contribution: Optional 1% of loan amount
3 Liberation Loan 2 – 1 These loans are given to the persons who have taken loans from the exploitative money lenders to save them from undue interest rates. AIM will pay off the balance amount to the money lenders in one go and in return borrower will pay back the principal amount to AIM in easy installments. Range: From Rs. 10,000 to Rs.100,000 Duration: 10-36 months Profit Rate: 0% Interest Rate: None Initial Application fee: Up to Rs. 200 Post Approval Application fee: None Mutual Support Fund Contribution: Optional 1% of loan amount
4 Housing Loan 2 – 1 Purpose of the housing loan is to provide financing facility for renovation of houses, construction of rooms, roofs, walls, etc. These are given to those poor families who occupy piece of land or house up to 5 Marlas and their family size increases up toor above 8 individuals. Range: From Rs. 30,000 to Rs.100,000 Duration: Up to 36 months Profit Rate: 0% Interest Rate: None Initial Application fee: Up to Rs. 200 Post Approval Application fee: None Mutual Support Fund : Optional 1% of loan amount
5 Education Loan 2 – 1 The objective of education loan is to extend interest free loans to highly deserving students who have exhibited excellent academic results, belong to low income background and his/her parents are unable to bear the education expenses. Parents or student will pay back the principal amount to AIM in easy installments. Education Level: Post Matriculation up to Masters Range: From Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 50,000 Duration: 10 – 24 months Profit Rate: 0% Interest Rate: None Initial Application fee: Up to Rs. 200 Post Approval Application fee: None Mutual Support Fund Contribution: Optional 1% of loan amount
6 Health Loan 2 – 1 Health loan is given to those poor people suffering from serious illnesses and ailments and do not have contingency savings. Range: From Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 50,000 Duration: 10 – 24 months Profit Rate: 0% Interest Rate: None Initial Application fee: Up to Rs. 200 Post Approval Application fee: None Mutual Support Fund Contribution: Optional 1% of loan amount
7 Marriage Loan 2 – 1 Marriage loan is offered for such parents who face difficulty in arranging the necessary funds for the marriage ceremonies and dowries of their daughters. Range: From Rs. 10,000 to Rs.50,000 Duration: 10 – 24 months Profit Rate: 0% Interest Rate: None Initial Application fee: Up to Rs. 200 Post Approval Application fee: None Mutual Support Fund Contribution: Optional 1% of loan amount
8 Emergency Loan 2 – 1 This product is for those poor families who face unfortunate events and emergencies e.g. sudden losses in business or meeting any other immediate contingency etc. Range: From Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 50,000 Duration: 10 – 24 months Profit Rate: 0% Interest Rate: None Initial Application fee: Up to Rs, 200 Post Approval Application fee: None Mutual Support Fund Contribution: Optional 1% of loan amount